> *Even if* Apple defeats Epic’s lawsuit in the USA, the EU has already decided against it in Spotify’s complaint, and *it seems clear* that it will no longer be able to enforce its requirement for anyone selling content inside an iOS app to use its payment system and give it a 30% commission.

> 雖然Apple先前在美國贏得了與Epic公司之間的訴訟(編按:來龍去脈請參閱報導),但歐盟在Spotify公司的訴請之下,已經決定不理會美國的判決,讓app開發商不必透過Apple的金流機制收費、也就不用被後者抽取30%的營收。

這段的翻譯有點偏離原意與現況喔,目前Epic Games v. Apple的訴訟結果尚未公布,歐盟對Spotify的案子則是提出初步裁決,尚未定案。

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您說得對,這部份確實有誤,馬上修正。謝謝指教! :D

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